Everything was set. We were good to go. Living Room- check! Bedroom- check! Guest Bedroom- eh! But it got the job done... Yeah, cue the design itch again. It was convenient timing, because my sister was also getting rid of her navy sofa that I happened to LOVE and could not just destine its fate to the Craigslist gods. So we took it.
I originally wanted to put the sofa into the guest room to turn it into an office and TV room. That was the original plan, and I was ready to say good bye to my old mattress at this point. The sofa is navy and has nailhead trim, and it's really pretty. But really big. So big it would never fit through the hallway door. It would fit in the Living Room though....
So, to Patrick's dismay, we would have to re-re-decorate the Living Room and use it in there... Yup!... I just couldn't let that sofa leave the family. But its navy color wouldn't work with the army green and raspberry of our living room! So I guess we were painting again. I was very excited about this. Patrick was not! This was our "finished" green living room:
Where is a navy sofa to go in there though!? So here was the plan for the updated Living Room:

We changed the green accent walls to a dark navy (Hale Navy by Ben Moore,) moved the raspberry rug to the raspberry master bedroom, moved the sofa in, and moved the little white pullout sofa (which was originally meant for the guest room anyways) to it's place in the new Den! All 4 white walls in there would be painted the same navy, and a new design plan was in the works!! Here is the old Guest Room again:
I originally wanted to put the sofa into the guest room to turn it into an office and TV room. That was the original plan, and I was ready to say good bye to my old mattress at this point. The sofa is navy and has nailhead trim, and it's really pretty. But really big. So big it would never fit through the hallway door. It would fit in the Living Room though....
So, to Patrick's dismay, we would have to re-re-decorate the Living Room and use it in there... Yup!... I just couldn't let that sofa leave the family. But its navy color wouldn't work with the army green and raspberry of our living room! So I guess we were painting again. I was very excited about this. Patrick was not! This was our "finished" green living room:
Where is a navy sofa to go in there though!? So here was the plan for the updated Living Room:

We changed the green accent walls to a dark navy (Hale Navy by Ben Moore,) moved the raspberry rug to the raspberry master bedroom, moved the sofa in, and moved the little white pullout sofa (which was originally meant for the guest room anyways) to it's place in the new Den! All 4 white walls in there would be painted the same navy, and a new design plan was in the works!! Here is the old Guest Room again:
And here is the new plan for the Den!
This room is the most dramatic change. I can't wait for you to see!
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