Watch as this beige empty room becomes my own! Since these photographs, I have moved into the room next door and made some more adjustments. (Another blog on this to follow.) After I moved out my new roommate, Vicki, moved in and we're giving this space a whole new look! Think colorful, simple bare bones, and beachy. (Another post will follow on the 2nd transformation of this room as well!) One thing that remained throughout both rooms however is that awesome silver accent wall! And a NAFASI signature swag lamp! I love them. :) Stay tuned!
I'm so excited to share with everyone my latest kitchen interior design project, and the bright young woman who lives here! Claire is a neighbor, a friend, and a client of NAFASI! She had just decided she was ready to settle into her Kigali house, but wasn't quite satisfied with it as her and her son's home . Luckily Claire called on NAFASI, had some great visions of what home meant to her, and we opened up her space into the cheery welcoming kitchen you see now! This is how it used to look: Can you believe it!?!? Claire worked with her landlord, as she is renting the house, to share costs for the renovation. It was win-win for everyone! A lot of landlords are ready to make renovations on older homes, and willing to pay for the renovation costs that come with it. Claire was responsible for the interior design costs. This way the owner is able to get free design, and the value increases greatly on their home, and the tenant gets the home they actually ...
Gorgeous room Teri! <3 It is so perfect and clean and has a great use of your African motif's spread around! LOVE YOUR IKAT CARPET! Sets the color scheme up perfectly! You are doing great! I wish you much luck and many blessings in your new business! <3