So i guess its pretty clear that Im not the best updater of my blog. I just never can think of how to summarize all of the crazy things that go on here in TZ! (also i make a lot of spelling mistakes and don't want you all to make fun of me!) So ill post some pics from facebook. That first pic is me and my dog! Her name is Nami which means "with me" in Swahili.. She was still a puppy back then, now she's a year old and a huge rhodesian ridgeback (african lion dog) and also a huge pain in the butt, but really really reaaallyy cute! I'm carryin her on my back like how all the mamas carry their kids on their backs. the next pic is from a night when barden and em came to visit me at my house in my family room. we cooked dinner for the kids next door, who basically are my brothers and sisters by now. Thats barden, nuru, elisha, brown, emilie, dorcas, me, and joshua. out of time here now, but will post more pics sooner than later! wohlers is coming to visit in a couple weeks!! very excited!
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