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Showing posts from 2014

Spicing up this bachelor pad

This was one of my favorite projects. Not only because it is such a dramatic before and after, but also because my client was so fun and adventurous! He was always on board to try something funky. Take a little step by step look at everything we accomplished. So much fun! :) He had just moved in here and knew that his home had potential. Notice the boring wall color, dated light fixture and strange chair rail. Potential town! Love a bump out! :) What will become the dining area... The color palette I presented him with. Things getting messy in the brainstorming process! Proud client with his mood board! :) The moodboard! (We ended up swapping out black accents for a neutral gray instead.) The floorplan to scale. Now we're getting moving! Some fun color added to the walls. :) We were able to go bold and made such a large impact with color alone! Things are starting to filter in. Pi

Timothy Paul Bedding + Home

Just found out about this sale, and wanted to spread the word. You can't miss it. They are original and usually pricey (because of their high quality) rugs at a super discount warehouse sale. Tim is a friend and told me that they just have too much stock and need to get rid of some inventory. I highly recommend people take the trip and check it out. They're not advertising it, except to their client list serve, and today and tomorrow I believe it is only available to designers, however all weekend it is open to the public. Maybe I'll see you there! :) Here's all the info! Timothy Paul Warehouse 2808 D Merrilee Drive,  Fairfax, VA 22031 (just outside the beltway) November 12th, 10 - 6  DESIGNER PREVIEW (RSVP only) November 13th, 10 - 6 November 14th, 10 - 8 November 15th, 10 - 8 November 16th, 11 - 4 BRING YOUR MEASUREMENTS AND COLOR SWATCHES! **Merchandise is FINAL sale. Customers are encouraged to take sold carpets at the time of purchase. Delivery is an additio

Mid-Century to the Modern

This very happening look is everywhere today. It is important to keep your mid-century looking modern though. This look is a nod to the 50's not a  reenactment  of them. With contemporary  accessories  and fresh colors, you will achieve a more current style. F or the full article, r ead  my guest blog,  CREATING A CONTEMPORARY, MID-CENTURY MODERN LOOK AT HOME ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI Flickr: Creative Commons

Fabric combo for the LR

This room just needed some new upholstery and a quick restyle for the built-ins. Check out the fabric combo we came up with! :)

This Wicker Nightstand!

It's BEAUTIFUL isn't it!?!? Just kidding... It was pretty hideous actually when I picked it up at Goodwill for $8. But then I picked up a sheet, and a bottle of sunshine yellow spray paint from Home Depot. What a SIMPLE project! I love spraypainting. It is so easy and makes such a dramatic difference. Here's some pictures of the process: And now it really is beautiful. I'm keeping the same pull on the drawer that was original to the nightstand. I thinks it's kinda funky! And here is the nightstand in its home in my client's bedroom. What do you think?

How to Choose Color

Clients are most frequently asking me for color consultations at our design sessions. Paint is one of the simplest and best changes to make for a home makeover. But colors are shown in so many different ways- on a computer screen, on a swatch, painted on a section of wall, and it can get tricky. I have some techniques to avoid the frustration.  F or the full 'How To,' r ead  my guest blog,  COLOR GAMES ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI

Love at First Sight Design

There is a lot of psychology behind why we all like what we do, based on our experiences and memories, among other things. No two people would create the exact same home, yet we do all share the same goal to simply feel good there. F or the full love story, r ead  my guest blog,  FOR THE LOVE OF INTERIOR DESIGN ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI Flickr, Creative Commons

Genevieve Gorder is my Inspiration.

This was one of the best experiences I have had in my professional life. I literally love EVERYTHING this woman does in this field... Not to mention her eloquent and relatable description of interior design. She is a true poet and a mentor through the glass of a TV screen. So you can imagine how excited I was to walk around the same event as her when Genevieve Gorder came to Belfort Furniture to promote HGTV's furniture collection. I was in the front row- and I swear we made eye contact!! ;) The majority of the crowd was homeowners looking for advice and tips. I just went to be in awe. I did get the opportunity to ask a question, "How do you feel about mixing metals?" (Which I already anticipated her response because it seems like she always answers the way that I think, and wish I could articulate as well as she can!) Of course her answer was Yes! Do it! Always! And I agree. There are no rules in this interior design world- or there are, but it's very okay to stretch

Rubber Stamps Are What's Up

I got this stamp made and bought gold ink. Now I can stamp envelopes, invoices, purchase orders, or anything with my logo! I love it! :)

The Designer Process

Amidst this project for my client, I want to share with you the design process, what brainstorming looks like, glitches along the way, happy surprises, and planning. After an initial consultation, I begin working on a space plan, visualization board, source list, and presentation. Then we purchase and install! F or the full story, r ead  my guest blog, A DESIGNER'S JOB ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI

On the way!

Here are some pics of Jessica's room, midway through the process. Can't wait to show you the final product!! :)

How to Choose the Right DC Apartment

There's so many options for D.C. living! It's important to figure out what style  apartment  you like before moving in and getting decorating. There are townhouse,  high-rise , studio, duplex, row house, garden style, and loft apartments all around. Each one has pros and cons for  each individual . F or the full guide, r ead  my guest blog, WHICH KIND OF APARTMENT TO CHOOSE IN THE D.C. AREA ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI Flickr, Creative Commons Flickr, Creative Commons

How to Make Your Window Treatments Cool

Getting the right look on your windows is very important to good design. In order to have your windows looking cool, they should never be too short. They should always appear full enough to balance the width of your  window. Your curtain panels should also be mounted as high and wide on the wall as they can be. And then have fun with it! F or the full guide, r ead  my guest blog, 3 TIPS FOR COOL WINDOW TREATMENTS ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI

How to Plan Your Interior Design

Planning your space is not as simple a grocery listing your furniture to purchase and check off one by one.  Before starting, try an exercise of painting a picture in your mind and adding design elements to imagine the end product. Not only the big furniture pieces, but the art, colors, rugs, layers,  everything! Once you have that completed room in your head, then it's time to start buying. F or the full 'How To,' r ead  my guest blog, THE WHOLE INTERIOR DESIGN PLAN ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI

Great Goodwill Finds!

I love these martini glasses and purple ceramic candle holder. You can find so much good stuff if you don't mind digging. :)

How to Determine Your Design Style

Figuring out your unique design style starts by asking yourself a LOT of questions. Learn what it is that you already like, and put that into a plan that is current and beautiful. Tour your home and remember the things you love about it, and WHY. Check your closet to evaluate your style. Look through Houzz or home decor magazines and just circle what you like. And always trust your gut. F or the full 'How To,' r ead  my guest blog, HOW TO FIGURE OUT YOUR DESIGN STYLE ,  that I wrote for the  Washington Post's Apartment Showcase  blog! Love, NAFASI

My Cozy/Eclectic Room

Watch as this beige empty room becomes my own! Since these photographs, I have moved into the room next door and made some more adjustments. (Another blog on this to follow.) After I moved out my new roommate, Vicki, moved in and we're giving this space a whole new look! Think colorful, simple bare bones, and beachy. (Another post will follow on the 2nd transformation of this room as well!) One thing that remained throughout both rooms however is that awesome silver accent wall! And a NAFASI signature swag lamp! I love them. :) Stay tuned!