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Showing posts from September, 2008


So I made it to site! I've been living in my house for a week a half now. I got placed in Mbeya Region! It is soooooo beautiful here. It is really lush and mountainous, and rivers everywhere, and farms and gardens everywhere. My house is right next to the primary school, and its split into 2 apts, so i have a neighbor that has been feeding me and taking care of me! haha.. It was pretty much empty when i moved in, actually, it still is pretty much empty.... i have to buy furniture still. But i have a bed at least! My village is called Iyawaya. The bigger town that is closest is Inyala, like a 20 or 30 minute walk. And then the city (Mbeya City) is a 30 minute drive from Inyala on a daladala. (which is this van thing that piles as many ppl in as possible) Mbeya City is awesome.. thats where I am right now, to use internet. Its really nice here, and they have pretty much any food or anything I could want to buy. And theres this Canadian girl who lives in the City, has an awesome house...